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Queen Letizia launched "Digitalizadas" on a stage built by Di&P

This past march It's Majesty, Queen Letizia, launched "Digitalizadas" on a stage designed and built by Externa and Di&P.

Queen Letizia-Google-Stage building-El parador

This project took place at "El Parador de Santiago" an historical building that mix:es history, art and tradition. This is the most recognizable builing in the city and it's located at "Plaza Obradoiro"

"Cibervoluntarios Fundation", "Women Fundation" and where the creators of this initiative, which aims to educate 5.000 rural women and teach them about entrepreneurship and employability.

The Stage was located at the Parador's Chapel, it had backlights and a big Led Screen in the miiddle as decoration.

Di&P in order to enhance and bring the building to live also put some external lighting schemes.

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