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events & exhibitions
interior & retail design
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Recently we have been at ExpoDental designing and producing a stand for Anthogyr.
Sustainable Development Goals What can we contribute from the events industry?
Environmental impact caused by the production of events
Google invited young students to start activating themselves over a stage built by Di&P
How to build a sustainable stand?
A delight for the palate: "Ahumados Dominguez" corner
Google announced it's new digital formation program for workers
A congress with social responsibility: CONAMA 2018
A very tasty corner: Millán Vicente
Queen Letizia launched "Digitalizadas" on a stage built by Di&P
5 Tips to make your exhibition Stand attractive
Learn more abotu the XVI National Congress of the Spanish Association for the Study of Menopause
The new reality for stores. Anti-covid reforms
Production of sets with chroma, a great opportunity to boost your business
Face-to-face events are back! We participate in the new edition of the GINEP Scientific Meeting
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+34 91 377 19 18